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Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Oracle to MySQL database conversion utility easily convert entire Oracle database or selected data base table records to MySQL format in simplified way. Database conversion software converts Oracle database records to My SQL database file format without getting involved in writing complicated database queries or procedures. Simple to use data base converter program converts Oracle RDBMS records in few mouse clicks without modifying database values.

Database converter program has simple interactive graphical user interface for easy software operation process. No technical skill or extraordinary training required to operate data base conversion program.

Price : $49

Software Features

  • Full support all major Oracle data types and attributes.
  • Work with all major versions of Oracle and My SQL databases.
  • Convert selected records or entire database table entries with full accuracy.
  • Option to save converted database records at new loaction or overwrites with existing databases.
Screenshot Tutorial

Tutorial with Screenshots : How to use Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

STEP 1 : Database Connection

Oracle to MySQL Database Converter

Establish connection between MySQL to Oracle server and click on Next button.

STEP 2 : Select Oracle tables

Oracle to MySQL Database Converter Software

Enter My SQL Designation Database name and Select Oracle's one or more than one tables to convert.

STEP 3 : Conversion

Oracle to MySQL Database Converter Tool

Oracle to My SQL database conversion is in progress.