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MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

Just few clicks and easily convert MS Excel worksheets into MySQL data base records without writing any type of data base query!

Database Converter Utility is the right choice for database professionals and other similar users to convert Microsoft excel worksheets into MySQL data base format. Easy-to-use program uses advance technology to migrate selected or overall excel spreadsheets into MySQL database as per requirement. Advance equipped program does not require any query writing for converting excel sheets records and thus saves your valuable time and money spend while converting xls records manually.

  • Accurately converts MS Excel created database records into MySQL data base records.
  • Avoids writing long database queries while using database conversion software.
Price : $45

Software Features

  • Convert MS Excel worksheets to My SQL database records.
  • Compatible with all versions of MS Excel and My SQL servers.
  • Support all database data types, attributes, key constraints.
  • Convert database without modifying source database records.
  • Full install and uninstall software support.
  • Cost-effective, simple and user-friendly GUI interface.
Screenshot Tutorial

Tutorial with Screenshots : How to use MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

STEP 1 : Select MS Excel spreadsheet to convert

MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter

Click on browse button to select MS Excel spreadsheet to convert into My SQL database.

STEP 2 : Database Name

MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter Software

Select MS Excel Worksheets and click on Convert button to convert into My SQL database.

STEP 3 : Conversion process

MS Excel to MySQL Database Converter Tool

Currently database conversion process is running. You may stop this by clicking on Stop button.

STEP 4 : Converted Worksheet

MS Excel to My SQL DB Converter

In above screen cast, you can see converted worksheets and skipped worksheets details.