第 16 章
在本章中,我们将讨论如何使用 MBR、DBR、FAT 和根目录的信息来开发可以帮助我们管理数据、优化存储或进行磁盘故障排除任务的实用程序。
Offset |
Meaning |
Size |
Description |
00H |
Boot Type Indicator Byte |
1 Byte |
If Byte is 00H, the Partition is Inactive and if Byte is 80H, The Partition is Active (or Bootable) |
01H |
Head Number of Beginning of the Partition |
1 Byte |
Starting Head number of the Partition in Hexadecimal System |
02H |
Sector and Cylinder Number of Beginning of the Partition |
2 Bytes |
6 Bits of First Byte make Starting Sector Number and Combination of remaining 2 Bits (as Two Most Significant Bits) plus 8 Bits of another Byte (Rest 8 least Significant Bits of the 10-Bit Number ) make the Starting Cylinder Number of the Partition |
04H |
File System indicator Byte |
1 Byte |
File System Indicator Byte in Hexadecimal system (for complete list of partition indicator bytes, refer the chapter “Logical Approach to Disks and OS” discussed earlier in this book) |
05H |
Head Number of End of the Partition |
1 Byte |
Ending Head Number of the Partition in Hexadecimal System |
06H |
Sector and Cylinder Number of End of the Partition |
2 Bytes |
6 Bits of First Byte make Ending Sector Number and Combination of remaining 2 Bits (as Two Most Significant Bits) plus 8 Bits of another Byte (Rest 8 least Significant Bits of the 10-Bit Number ) make the Ending Cylinder Number of the Partition |
08H |
Absolute Sector number of Beginning of the Partition |
4 Bytes |
Number of Sectors Between the MBR and the First Sector in the Partition |
0CH |
Absolute Sector number of End of the Partition |
4 Bytes |
Number of Sectors in the Partition |
Total = 16 Bytes |
在偏移量 04H 处,在每个分区条目中,都有一个文件系统指示字节。该指示字节表示该分区的文件系统类型。如果这个字节的值改变了,分区的标识就改变了。
例如,“DOS 12-Bit FAT”的分区指示字节的值为 0x01。如果此值更改为 0x11,则分区表条目中的文件系统标识更改为“隐藏的 DOS 12 位 FAT”(有关分区指示符字节的完整列表,请参阅“磁盘和操作系统的逻辑方法”一章讨论本书的前面部分)。
Partition type indicator Byte |
Description of File System of Partition |
0x01 |
DOS 12–bit FAT |
0x11 |
Hidden DOS 12–bit FAT |
0x04 |
DOS 16–bit FAT (<=32MB) |
0x14 |
Hidden DOS 16–bit FAT (<=32MB) |
0x05 |
DOS Extended |
0x15 |
Hidden DOS Extended |
0x06 |
DOS 16–bit big (> 32MB) |
0x16 |
Hidden DOS 16–bit big (> 32MB) |
0x07 |
0x17 |
Hidden NTFS |
0x0B |
Windows FAT32 |
0x1B |
Hidden Windows FAT32 |
0x0C |
Windows FAT32 (LBA) |
0x1C |
Hidden Windows FAT32 (LBA) |
0x0E |
Windows FAT16 (LBA) |
0x1E |
Hidden Windows FAT16 (LBA) |
0x0F |
Windows Extended |
0x1F |
Hidden Windows Extended |
在这里,我们看到任何文件系统的相应隐藏分区都是通过将值 0x10 添加到其系统指示符字节来找到的。
接下来给出的程序用于使用该分区的分区条目从 MBR 的分区表中隐藏该分区。如果你想隐藏扩展卷中的其他逻辑分区,你应该访问扩展 MBR。
/* 使用该分区的分区表条目从 MBR 隐藏分区的程序 */
#include <bios.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
struct diskinfo_t dinfo;
int result, tohide;
int i;
static char dbuf[512];/* Data Buffer to read-Write the
Sector information */
dinfo.drive = 0x80; /* drive number for First
Hard Disk */
dinfo.head = 0; /* disk head number */
dinfo.track = 0; /* track number */
dinfo.sector = 1; /* sector number */
dinfo.nsectors = 1; /* sector count */
dinfo.buffer = dbuf; /* data buffer */
/* 读取磁盘的第一个扇区 */
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_READ, &dinfo);
if ((result & 0xff00) == 0)
printf("The Partition Codes of Four Partition Entries are,
0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x And 0x%02x.\n",
dbuf[450] & 0xff, dbuf[466] & 0xff,
dbuf[482] & 0xff, dbuf[498] & 0xff);
gotoxy(5,5);cprintf("Partition Entry in MBR is as
gotoxy(10,7);cprintf("1. "); showtype(dbuf[450] & 0xff);
gotoxy(10,8);cprintf("2. "); showtype(dbuf[466] & 0xff);
gotoxy(10,9);cprintf("3. "); showtype(dbuf[482] & 0xff);
gotoxy(10,10);cprintf("4. "); showtype(dbuf[498] & 0xff);
/* 获取隐藏分区的用户输入 */
printf("Enter The partition no. you want to hide,
Or Press any other key to Exit... ");
case '1': /* Hide First Partition in partition Table */
dbuf[450] = dbuf[450] +16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
case '2': /* Hide second Partition in partition Table */
dbuf[466] = dbuf[466]+16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
case '3': /* Hide third Partition in partition Table */
dbuf[482] = dbuf[482] +16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
case '4': /* Hide Fourth Partition in partition Table */
dbuf[498] = dbuf[498]+16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
if ((result & 0xff00) == 0)
printf("\n\nThe New Partition Codes of Four Partition
Entries are, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x And 0x%02x.\n",
dbuf[450] & 0xff, dbuf[466] & 0xff,
dbuf[482] & 0xff, dbuf[498] & 0xff);
printf("Cannot Change the Byte, status = 0x%02x\n",
return 0;
程序读取 MBR 分区表中所有四个分区条目的文件系统指示符字节。函数showtype( )用于显示文件系统的名称,对应文件系统指示字节的值。
/* 显示文件系统名称对应文件系统指示字节值的函数 */
switch (i)
case 0x00 :cprintf("Empty"); break;
case 0x01 :cprintf("DOS 12-bit FAT"); break;
case 0x02 :cprintf("XENIX root"); break;
case 0x03 :cprintf("XENIX usr"); break;
case 0x04 :cprintf("DOS 16-bit <32M"); break;
case 0x05 :cprintf("Extended"); break;
case 0x06 :cprintf("DOS 16-bit >=32M"); break;
case 0x07 :cprintf("OS/2 HPFS"); break;
case 0x08 :cprintf("AIX"); break;
case 0x09 :cprintf("AIX bootable"); break;
case 0xa :cprintf("OS/2 Boot Manag"); break;
case 0xb :cprintf("Win95/98/ME FAT32"); break;
case 0xc :cprintf("Win95/98/ME FAT32 (LBA)"); break;
case 0xd :cprintf("Win95 FAT16"); break;
case 0xe :cprintf("Win95 FAT16 (LBA)"); break;
case 0xf :cprintf("Win95 Extended"); break;
case 0x11 :cprintf("Hidden FAT-12");break;
case 0x12 :cprintf("Compaq Diagnostics");break;
case 0x14 :cprintf("Hidden FAT-16 (<32)");break;
case 0x15 :cprintf("Hidden Extended");break;
case 0x16 :cprintf("Hidden FAT-16");break;
case 0x17 :cprintf("NTFS"); break;
case 0x40 :cprintf("Venix 80286"); break;
case 0x51 :cprintf("Novell?"); break;
case 0x52 :cprintf("Microport"); break;
case 0x63 :cprintf("GNU HURD"); break;
case 0x64 :
case 0x65 :cprintf("Novell Netware"); break;
case 0x75 :cprintf("PC/IX"); break;
case 0x80 :cprintf("Old MINIX"); break;
case 0x81 :cprintf("Linux/MINIX"); break;
case 0x82 :cprintf("Linux swap"); break;
case 0x83 :cprintf("Linux native"); break;
case 0x85 :cprintf("Linux Extended"); break;
case 0x93 :cprintf("Amoeba"); break;
case 0x94 :cprintf("Amoeba BBT"); break;
case 0xa5 :cprintf("BSD/386"); break;
case 0xa6 :cprintf("OpenBSD"); break;
case 0xa7 :cprintf("NEXTSTEP"); break;
case 0xb7 :cprintf("BSDI fs"); break;
case 0xb8 :cprintf("BSDI swap"); break;
case 0xc7 :cprintf("Syrinx"); break;
case 0xdb :cprintf("CP/M"); break;
case 0xe1 :cprintf("DOS access"); break;
case 0xe3 :cprintf("DOS R/O"); break;
case 0xf2 :cprintf("DOS secondary"); break;
case 0xff :cprintf("BBT"); break;
default :cprintf("UNKOWN");
return 0;
取消隐藏隐藏分区的程序与隐藏程序的程序正好相反。在这个程序中,我们从隐藏分区的文件系统指示字节的值中减去 16 (0x10)。
/* 取消隐藏被上一个程序隐藏的分区的程序 */
#include <bios.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
struct diskinfo_t dinfo;
int result, tohide;
int i;
static char dbuf[512];/* Data buffer */
dinfo.drive = 0x80; /* drive number for
First Hard Disk */
dinfo.head = 0; /* disk head number */
dinfo.track = 0; /* track number */
dinfo.sector = 1; /* sector number */
dinfo.nsectors = 1; /* sector count */
dinfo.buffer = dbuf; /* data buffer */
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_READ, &dinfo);
if ((result & 0xff00) == 0)
printf("The Partition Codes of Four Partition
Entries are, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x And 0x%02x.\n",
dbuf[450] & 0xff, dbuf[466] & 0xff,
dbuf[482] & 0xff, dbuf[498] & 0xff);
cprintf("Partition Entry in MBR is as follows:");
gotoxy(10,7);cprintf("1. "); showtype(dbuf[450] & 0xff);
gotoxy(10,8);cprintf("2. "); showtype(dbuf[466] & 0xff);
gotoxy(10,9);cprintf("3. "); showtype(dbuf[482] & 0xff);
gotoxy(10,10);cprintf("4. "); showtype(dbuf[498] & 0xff);
/* 获取使用输入以取消隐藏分区 */
gotoxy(1,15);printf("Enter The partition no., Which to
unhide, Or Press any other key to
Exit... ");
/* 取消隐藏分区表的第一个分区 */
case '1':
dbuf[450] = dbuf[450] -16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
/* Unhide second partition of partition table */
case '2':
dbuf[466] = dbuf[466]-16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
/* Unhide third partition of partition table */
case '3':
dbuf[482] = dbuf[482] -16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
/* Unhide fourth partition of partition table */
case '4':
dbuf[498] = dbuf[498]-16;
result = _bios_disk(_DISK_WRITE, &dinfo);
if ((result & 0xff00) == 0)
printf("\n\nThe New Partition Codes of Four Partition
Entries are, 0x%02x, 0x%02x, 0x%02x And 0x%02x.\n",
dbuf[450] & 0xff, dbuf[466] & 0xff,
dbuf[482] & 0xff, dbuf[498] & 0xff);
printf("Cannot Change the Byte, status = 0x%02x\n",
return 0;
删除分区的程序用于故障排除。例如,假设您的磁盘中有 FAT32 文件系统分区。现在你决定在你的磁盘上同时安装 LINUX 操作系统。
如果有的话,操作系统的安装会在中间中断,在对 MBR 的分区表进行修改的阶段。在这种情况下,您要安装其他操作系统的分区很可能无法访问。
在这种情况下,丢失分区的磁盘空间由于无法访问而变得无用。但是,如果我们以任何方式从分区表中删除该分区的分区信息,我们可以再次使用 DOS 的 FDISK 命令使该空间可用。
/* 程序从MBR的分区表中删除第二个分区条目 */
# include <bios.h>
/* structure to read the partition entry from partition table */
struct partition
/* Active Partition Byte */
unsigned char bootable ;
/* Starting Head */
unsigned char start_side ;
/* combination of Starting sector and cylinder number */
unsigned int start_sec_cyl ;
/* File system Indicator Byte */
unsigned char parttype ;
/* Ending Head */
unsigned char end_side ;
/* combination of Starting sector and cylinder number */
unsigned int end_sec_cyl ;
/* Relative Sector Number */
unsigned long part_beg ;
/* Partition length in sectors */
unsigned long plen ;
} ;
/* Structure to read-write MBR */
struct part
/* IPL (Initial Program Loader) */
unsigned char master_boot[446] ;
/* Partition table */
struct partition pt[4] ;
/* Magic Number */
int lasttwo ;
} ;
struct part p ;
void main()
unsigned int t1,t2;
biosdisk ( 2, 0x80, 0, 0, 1, 1, &p ) ;
display(); /* display the information of
Partition table */
p.pt[1].bootable = 0;
p.pt[1].start_side = 0 ;
p.pt[1].start_sec_cyl = 0 ;
p.pt[1].parttype = 0;
p.pt[1].end_side = 0;
p.pt[1].end_sec_cyl = 0;
p.pt[1].part_beg = 0;
p.pt[1].plen = 0;
printf("\n\n\n After Deleting the Second Partition
Entry From MBR Partition Table,");
printf("\n The Partition Table will Be Changed as
Follows: ");
/* To Delete Second Partition Information from partition
table of MBR Remove the forward slashes from the
biosdisk( ) function. Do not use Carelessly, Partition
information of Second Partition of Partition Table will
be Erased Completely. */
////// biosdisk ( 3, 0x80, 0, 0, 1, 1, &p ) ;
display(); /* Display the information of partition
table after modification */
取消注释 biosdisk ( 3, 0x80, 0, 0, 1, 1, &p ) 函数,从 MBR 的分区表中删除第二个分区。
/* 显示MBR分区表的函数 */
unsigned int s_sec, s_trk, e_sec, e_trk, i, t1, t2 ;
char type[20], boot[5] ;
printf("\n\nPart. Boot Starting location Ending Location
Relative Number of");
printf("\nType Side Cylinder Sector Side Cylinder
Sector Sectors Sectors\n");
for ( i = 0 ; i <= 3 ; i++ )
if ( p.pt[i].bootable == 0x80 )
strcpy ( boot, "Yes" ) ;
strcpy ( boot, "No" ) ;
switch ( p.pt[i].parttype )
case 0x00 :
strcpy ( type, "Unused" ) ; break ;
case 0x1 :
strcpy ( type, "FAT12" ) ; break ;
case 0x2 :
strcpy ( type, "Xenix" ) ; break ;
case 0x3 :
strcpy ( type, "Xenix:usr" ) ; break ;
case 0x4 :
strcpy ( type, "FAT16<32M" ) ; break ;
case 0x5 :
strcpy ( type, "DOS-Ext." ) ; break ;
case 0x6 :
strcpy ( type, "FAT16>32M" ) ; break ;
case 0x7 :
strcpy ( type, "NTFS" ) ; break ;
case 0x0b :
strcpy ( type, "FAT32" ) ; break ;
case 0x0c :
strcpy ( type, "FAT32-LBA" ) ; break ;
case 0x0d :
strcpy ( type, "VFAT16" ) ; break ;
case 0x0e :
strcpy ( type, "VFAT16-LBA" ) ; break ;
case 0x0f :
strcpy ( type, "FAT EXT" ) ; break ;
case 0x17 :
strcpy ( type, "HPFS" ) ; break ;
case 0x81 :
strcpy ( type, "Old LINUX" ) ; break ;
case 0x82 :
strcpy ( type, "LinuxSwap" ) ; break ;
case 0x83 :
strcpy ( type, "LinuxNative" ) ; break ;
case 0x85 :
strcpy ( type, "Linux Ext." ) ; break ;
default :
strcpy ( type, "Unknown" ) ; break ;
s_sec = ( p.pt[i].start_sec_cyl & 0x3f ) ;
t1 = ( p.pt[i].start_sec_cyl & 0xff00 ) >> 8 ;
t2 = ( p.pt[i].start_sec_cyl & 0x00c0 ) << 2 ;
s_trk = t1 | t2 ;
e_sec = ( p.pt[i].end_sec_cyl & 0x3f ) ;
t1 = ( p.pt[i].end_sec_cyl & 0xff00 ) >> 8 ;
t2 = ( p.pt[i].end_sec_cyl & 0x00c0 ) << 2 ;
e_trk = t1 | t2 ;
printf ( "\n%6s %3s", type, boot ) ;
printf ( "%4d %6d %8d", p.pt[i].start_side,
s_trk,s_sec ) ;
printf ( "%7d %6u %8u", p.pt[i].end_side, e_trk,
e_sec ) ;
printf ( " %10lu %10lu", p.pt[i].part_beg,
p.pt[i].plen ) ;
return 0;
格式化“Track 0 Bad”软盘
本程序用于格式化那些在磁道0 上有坏扇区的软盘,当用DOS 或windows 格式化时,会显示像“Track 0 BAD”这样的错误信息。不过你也可以用它来格式化普通软盘。
程序重写所有 DBR、FAT 和根目录信息。如果磁盘表面有坏扇区,则在 FAT 中将它们标记为坏扇区。
在程序的编码中,结构体BPB用于写入DBR的BIOS Parameter Block。结构体 boot_sector 用于写入磁盘的 DBR。结构体 address_field 用于与每个磁道的柱面数、磁头数和扇区数以及扇区的大小进行交互。

所有计算均以十六进制系统进行。例如,假设您在 2003 年 10 月 23 日的 11:16:28:65 在 DOS 环境中格式化了软盘。现在让我们计算磁盘的序列号。
The time in (seconds and Hundredths of seconds) format is
= (28 and 65)
= (1CH and 41H)
Write it as 1C41
Similarly, date in (month and day) format is
= (10 and 23)
= (0AH and 17H)
Write it as 0A17
Similarly, time in (hours and minutes) format is,
= (11 and 16)
= (0BH and 10H)
Write it as 0B10
And the year will be
= 2003
= 07D3
现在,让我们根据前面的描述计算软盘的序列号。序列号的第一部分是 (1C41 + 0A17) = 2658,序列号的第二部分是 (0B10 + 07D3) = 12E3。
磁盘编辑程序的编码已在本书随附的磁盘中给出,文件名为“TTEDITOR.C”。你可以使用这个程序来分析硬盘或软盘的表面。甚至在编写本书时的大部分研究中,我都使用 TTEDITOR 来分析磁盘表面或执行磁盘修改。
- 读取硬盘和软盘表面的扇区信息。
- 将任何扇区的备份写入文件。
- 从文件中恢复扇区的数据。
- 修改单个字节。
- 十六进制转十进制和二进制计算器。
程序使用 biosdisk( ) 和 _bios_disk( ) 函数来访问磁盘。如果要分析超过 8.4 GB 的磁盘,请使用 INT 13H 的 Extensions 修改程序。下表给出了程序中使用的函数的描述:
Function |
Description |
bkground( ) |
creates the back ground and frame of first screen |
clsline( ) |
Used to clear the complete row from the screen specified by row number. |
refresh( ) |
Function to recall all the display functions on the screen |
writetofile( ) |
Function to write the data of a sector to user defined file. |
writetosector( ) |
Function to restore the sector from specified file. |
msgdisp( ) |
Function to display messages on the screen. |
modify( ) |
Function to modify a single byte of any sector, specified by user. |
frame( ) |
Function to draw the frame structure of sector display |
dispmax( ) |
Display maximum CHS number of the disk (Valid Up to 8.4 GB Disk) |
display( ) |
Display the sector and information on the screen. |
hextodec( ) |
Function to Calculate hexadecimal number to corresponding decimal and binary numbers. |
Page Modified on: 18/01/2022